Posted inInvesting

The Ultimate Water Enhancer

The water additives market is pretty huge now. You can have anything from premeasured powder “sticks” to highly concentrated drops if you don’t want to buy preflavored water. Flavor enhancers are now marketing themselves as energy drinks adding multiple B vitamins and in many cases caffeine. Some even add vitamins C & E with antioxidants to improve their health marketing. What we don’t have is the ultimate enhancer. Nicotine. Think about it. Nicotine isn’t the … The Ultimate Water EnhancerRead more

Posted inInformation Technology / Investing

Yet Another Cloud Failure

How many massive outages does it take before companies realize all of that money they are “saving” by hosting clouds on ALT-CTRL-DEL hardware is costing them a fortune? Amazon outage I warned about this quite openly in my award winning book “The Minimum You Need to Know About Service Oriented Architecture” Perhaps that is why it won an award? Do ya think? You can create a successful cloud, but, it requires an OS which truly … Yet Another Cloud FailureRead more