Posted inExperience / Information Technology / Politics / Thank You Sir May I Have Another

Illegal Alien Raids Must Start at Elon Musk’s Tesla

Trump keeps spouting out that ass sitting on his shoulders about mass deportations and illegal alien raids, but is he willing to raid Elon Musk’s Tesla factories? Most of the “tech companies” courting favor from Trump now are hoping their shops don’t get raided. Much of this rant is due to an article by Janna Herron posted on Yahoo Finance. While some of it is okay, it is painfully obvious she knows absolutely nothing about … Illegal Alien Raids Must Start at Elon Musk’s TeslaRead more

Posted inExperience / Information Technology

Flatpak Can’t Print or Attach Files

Flatpak printing and file attaching, especially with email clients that have been flatpaked, is a major (&)(*&+_ing nuisance. “Oh, we’re sandboxed!” will be the rallying cry from the support team that doesn’t want to actually fix anything. If your installation procedure, or even your first run where you ask everything else simply asked: Do you want to be able to print? Do you want to be able to attach files? It could actually fix the … Flatpak Can’t Print or Attach FilesRead more

Posted inExperience / Information Technology

Flatpak Won’t Load URL

I see this mostly on Manjaro Cinnamon, but it’s rampant on other distros given the volume of complaints. It is yet another reason why Agile must be banned globally. Anything that can’t be tested automatically just isn’t tested in either the Microsoft or Linux worlds all because of Agile. The name of the file you need to create will change based on the desktop you are running. On Cinnamon it is this: Unless someone well … Flatpak Won’t Load URLRead more

Posted inExperience / Information Technology / Investing / Politics

The Real Reason Ammo Prices Are So High

I have been hearing so many friends and relatives who are Trump supporters complain “If Trump doesn’t get in this time ammo prices are going to skyrocket!” Well, he’s not going to actually do anything to fix the problem. Yes, he will prove he is not a Republican by stopping the shipment of arms and ammo to Ukraine. No way he can stop sending it to Israel though. So, at best, it will mask the … The Real Reason Ammo Prices Are So HighRead more

Posted inExperience / Information Technology

The Two Page Myth

I get so pissed off with this Two page Myth that it is finally time to empty my colon. When an HR professional tells you a resume can only span two facing pages you can be certain of the following: Lazy During my twenties I dated multiple technical recruiters. As one of them who left recruiting to become a mortgage broker pre-Jamie-Dimon-economy-tanking-mortgage-fraud It’s the second best job for a single girl. You meet them fact … The Two Page MythRead more