Posted inExperience / Information Technology / Investing

HUAWEI and the Phallus of Clouds

I have blogged for many years that cloud computing was a train wreck waiting for a plane crash to hit it so it could roll down the hill into a daycare center at lunch time. Too many worthless MBA diploma mills cranking out even more worthless management who can only chant buzz phrases like “quick win” and “cut costs.” Not one of them actually knows how to run and build a business. They are all … HUAWEI and the Phallus of CloudsRead more

Posted inInformation Technology / Investing

Yet Another Cloud Failure

How many massive outages does it take before companies realize all of that money they are “saving” by hosting clouds on ALT-CTRL-DEL hardware is costing them a fortune? Amazon outage I warned about this quite openly in my award winning book “The Minimum You Need to Know About Service Oriented Architecture” Perhaps that is why it won an award? Do ya think? You can create a successful cloud, but, it requires an OS which truly … Yet Another Cloud FailureRead more

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In IT, When Something is Going to Fail Spectacularly, We Call it a Cloud

Not all that long ago I put out ISBN-13 978-0-9770866-6-5 “The Minimum You Need to Know About Service Oriented Architecture”. Some of you may remember that it won a 2008 Best Book Award from USA Book News. Apparently, not enough of you have read it because we are still seeing the standard criminal enterprises pushing “Cloud Computing” and now they are even trying to push it to “the masses” since they want the government to … In IT, When Something is Going to Fail Spectacularly, We Call it a CloudRead more