The following question came in from a reader who happened to catch one of my posts on a programming email list. ==== As usual, I quite enjoy your detailed analysis coupled with historical contexts, since I learned my trade through those days (Sun SPARC workstations, VAX minicomputers running VMS, etc.). They are always entertaining, usually edifying, and sometimes nostalgic for me. :) I’m curious, though, about one particular point you made: Windows isn’t even going … Question From a ReaderRead more
How Far We’ve Come – Pt. 16
As I pointed out many times in my Qt and databases book, most of the database examples you find online and even in official Qt documentation are shit. This is not my ego talking. They all do everything in the main event loop. Almost all of the cheat by using only a handful of rows so everything “seems” to work. Then you try to use it on real data and wonder why the application seems … How Far We’ve Come – Pt. 16Read more
How Far We’ve Come – Pt. 15
I need to continue yesterday’s discussion about good architectural design a bit. Particularly the part about not shoving everything into RAM. I see two different kinds of C++ developers on Qt projects. Those who want to be one with the OOP. Every piece of data, including an integer, should be an object derived from the most holy object to end world hunger and bring world peace. To them you should be pushing the envelop going … How Far We’ve Come – Pt. 15Read more