Trump keeps spouting out that ass sitting on his shoulders about mass deportations and illegal alien raids, but is he willing to raid Elon Musk’s Tesla factories? Most of the “tech companies” courting favor from Trump now are hoping their shops don’t get raided. Much of this rant is due to an article by Janna Herron posted on Yahoo Finance. While some of it is okay, it is painfully obvious she knows absolutely nothing about … Illegal Alien Raids Must Start at Elon Musk’s TeslaRead more
Thank You Sir May I Have Another
Tales that just make you want to scream and other humiliating kicks to the crotch.
CrowdStrike – Undeniable Proof – Agile Must Be Banned Globally
By now most of you have heard of the Great CrowdStrike Outage of 2024. Actually using the year in the name is probably making too broad of an assumption that there will be only one. At least $10 billion in worldwide financial damage all due to Agile. This myth that a cesspit of User Stories, TDD, and CI/CD with daily stand-ups is a valid software development methodology, it’s not. We need global laws banning the … CrowdStrike – Undeniable Proof – Agile Must Be Banned GloballyRead more
Time for Class Action to Block Avast Settlement
For those who don’t know, Avast got caught selling your data despite all of their claims to “privacy.” They now have a “settlement” with the FTC where they pay a token fine and agreed to “strict oversight.” We all know just how well “strict oversight” worked for Boeing. Manufacturing planes under “strict oversight” of the FAA and they still fell out of the sky. No Settlement Without Medium Security Prison Time for Management is Acceptable … Time for Class Action to Block Avast SettlementRead more
Six Sigma Was Always a Joke
At its core, for assembly line manufacturing, Six Sigma could be made to work. It was bounded by the realities of physical science and not subject to whims of management. Very quickly management tweaked Six Sigma to include its whims. I have always said Show me an employment ad for a company demanding Six Sigma training and I will show you a company that is going out of business. I watched it happen at many … Six Sigma Was Always a JokeRead more
Time to Boycott All Retailers Using FedEx
It’s time to boycott all retailers shipping orders via FedEx. This is a company with no qualified management. Given I just wrote a post about the i9 gen13 CPU in my roughly $2000 build I cannot use, we should finish out the discussion of that build. Please note that it is August 2nd at the time of this writing. Please also note that I built the machine and had it running until I read what … Time to Boycott All Retailers Using FedExRead more